Texel's own ferry service, TESO, has been taking passengers to and from the Dutch island for 112 years. As a modern, sustainable ferry service, TESO wants to provide its passengers with excellent service in all respects. We made this possible with a new website, ticket flow and identity.

An optimal ferry trip
The website plays an important part in the flow of ticket sales. Its success largely depends on the smooth handling of the increasing number of passengers to and from Texel (over 4.1 million people and 1.5 million vehicles annually).
Improving throughput
We redesigned the ticket purchase flow, making checking departure times, buying tickets, and recharging smart cards easier - both on a computer and on a smartphone. By having two user flows we can provide optimal service to both target groups: tourists and islanders.

Fast lane
Passengers who fill in their license plate number online when purchasing a ticket can use the fast lanes when boarding the boat; license plate recognition makes the throughput in those lanes much faster. Partly due to the increase of online sales, these lanes are being used increasingly and waiting times for boarding have become shorter.

We improved the customer portal with the island inhabitants in mind, making the process easier for these frequent travelers.
Optimizing the ticket purchase flow
To ensure an optimal conversion rate and ease of use, we have been working together since going live to optimize the ticket purchase flow. During bi-weekly sessions we review the data and perform A/B testing based on hypotheses. Based on the test results, we implement optimizations such as improving buttons, but also providing extra information at certain steps so visitors feel more confident about their ticket choice.
Freedom, light and space
Besides an optimal ticket purchase flow, we also translated the visual identity to online. One glance at your smartphone will immediately give you the feeling of freedom, light and space that this Dutch island is known for. The homepage background is made up of live webcam images overlooking the estuary.
The video we made for TESO conveys the island feeling and proud ownership.
The island feeling
The windswept island of Texel has wide open skies and vast horizons, leading to a particular atmosphere of light and freedom that the Dutch call the ‘island feeling’. The light especially has been used for TESO’s identity. Both in photography that evokes this island feeling, and in the choice of colors. The logo is always aligned with the horizon. The typography is bold, powerful, and timeless. The icons are consistent with the wayfinding on Texel itself.