Southbank Centre London

Southbank Centre is a leading multi-venue arts centre, in the heart of London. Every year 5.1 million visitors enjoy 14 festivals and over 5,000 events: visual art exhibitions, theatre, dance, classical and contemporary music, literature and debate.

Smells like festival spirit
The website is the principal place to tell Southbank Centre’s story, reflect the brand and drive greater engagement with ever more diverse audiences. A website that brings the world to Southbank Center, and brings Southbank Center to the world.

The website proposition is to enable visitors to experience Southbank Centre fully, explore culture easily and feel inspired to join in.

Workshops and user tests
Thanks to workshops and conversations with people from the entire organisation we gained insights into the different target groups:
- The regular visitor who knows what he wants and asks for ease.
- The cultural enthusiast who seeks inspiration and depth.
- And anyone unfamiliar with the Southbank Center.
The new information architecture came about after testing 2 variants on the main target groups, and formed the basis for an extensive content plan.

Online newspaper
The concept is an online newspaper. It offers a mix of news, entertainment and backgrounds, and sections to choose from. You see the concept applied in the mix of content about events, practical information and editorial stories.
On desktop and mobile you can easily choose from the huge range and you can delve into interviews and podcasts with artists and organizers of festivals.

Breaking borders
We kept the existing logo and font, but broke out of the other borders - literally. Vibrant colours and gradients delivered liveliness, lower case titles communicate the accessibility of Southbank Centre. The simplified navigation gives exhibitions and festivals more prominence.